April 27, 2011

Introduction: Thank you for stopping by!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.  J  If you are seeking medical advice, I apologize.  (And call a nurse- medical advice on the web can be dangerous.  I’ve diagnosed myself with many problems.)

The name Dr. BT is a tip of the hat to one of my writing inspirations, colleague and pal HH.  She knows that I aspire to further myself educationally and every time she calls me Dr. BT, it’s another kick in the pants to stay on the path.

So, what’s this blog about?  I’m sure we will figure it out overtime.  Bottom line, it will be about my three loves- literature, shoes, and healthiness.  Before you click your back arrow or x out, let me explain.

  1. Lit- I love books.  Good old fashioned turn-the-pages as well as eBooks.  Have a bunch.  Could start a used bookstore.  Would, if I could stand to part with them.  Any literature goes- I really like fiction.  If there are vampires in it, I’m willing to read it.
  2. Shoes- I’m not a fashionista but I like pretty shoes.  They make me happy, make me feel taller, help out my back, and, did I say they were pretty?  A DSW is coming my way soon…
  3. Healthiness- I am not a health nut AT ALL.  Due to some health concerns, I have embraced “a new lifestyle” and am eager to process it all.  I also believe that healthiness can refer to state of mind and happiness.  Oh, boy…do I have a lot to say on that score.

My goal is to blog at least once a week.  THIS COUNTS!  Thank you for reading through- consider this an intro.  Hope to see you back here…otherwise I am this sad little person…with no audience other than self…

Eagerly yours,
Dr. BT

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Dr. BT...I am so happy you started this blog and I am even happier that I am the first follower!!
